Thursday, April 16, 2009


I'm going to be really honest.
I believe that the days we are living in should urge us to be more open about
this life with Jesus.
The ups the downs. The glories and heartaches.

I've been in rare form the last few days.
I feel completely devoid of all emotion.
I don't feel good or bad, calm or stressed.
I laugh but I don't feel joy.
I cry but I don't feel sadness.
People ask me how I'm doing, if I'm ok.
I don't have an answer. I can't describe it.

I pray and no words come.
I end up repeating myself most of the time.
I feel like I'm making no impact.
That in some way because I'm not reacting or feeling life around me that I'm failing.

I know that's not the truth, it's just how I'm feeling.
But surprisingly I feel nothing at the moment.

The other day I wanted to get drunk.
I was tempted with the thought to just feel something,
to check out for just a moment.
I wanted to alter the way I was seeing things for just a moment.
I did not go thru with it.
It would just be covering up what's really going on.
It would be a cop out.
Life's too precious to throw in things like that.

I know I've struggled with that before.
To want to check out. To either make yourself feel something
or feeling nothing at all.

It's funny how we base life on all these emotions and feelings.
If it feels good it must be good, or if someone makes you feel joy you love them more.
I don't understand why we do this?
Maybe we don't understand True Reality.
We try to create life around us with feelings and emotions and when they are gone..
so is life.

I have not lost my hope or my faith in Jesus Christ.
I trust Him with whatever is going on in my life,
because I clearly have no clue right now.
It can just get hard sometimes.

Life can make you numb.
Situations can rip your heart out.
You can feel like everything is out of control.
I am not depressed. I am grateful for my life.
I am glad I am alive today.

I'll keep living life until something changes.
I'm not sure when or what's going to change tho.
I know God is holding me.
Even tho I feel far far away from any comforting presence.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Child:
Sorry I haven't been on your blog for quite some time. It's not that I don't think about you because I do so every day, it's just I get so caught up in facebook I forget about the blogs.
I think what you are going through is simply God telling you to rest and let him do the work for you right now.
There are times when we need to just step back and put our faith to work for us and this is one of those times. You need to rest and restore your strength. Even our Lord took time away from the every day emotions to rebuild and restrengthen His soul, how can you expect to be any different from Him?
Please know that many many prayers are offered up on your behalf every day and while we can't be there with you to hug you and to listen to your heart, we are always with you through our prayers and our love.
So, right now just take a step back, take a big breath and let our Lord carry you for a while. His arms are there and He will give you rest, peace and strength. This I know without a doubt, without any misgivings and with all my heart.
I love you to the depths of the oceans and the heights of the heavens. Aunt Lynn